"Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem"
Say you: ‘We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob and his children, and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to all other Prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between any of them; and to Him we submit ourselves.’ And if they believe as you have believed, then are they surely guided; but if they turn back, then they are only creating a schism, and Allah will surely suffice thee against them, for He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Say, ‘We will adopt the religion of Allah; and who is better than Allah in teaching religion, and Him alone do we worship.’ Say: ‘Do you dispute with us concerning Allah, while He is our Lord and your Lord? And for us are our works, and for you your works; and to Him alone we are sincerely devoted.’ Do you say that Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children were Jews or Christians? Say, ‘Do you know better or Allah?’ And who is more unjust than he who conceals the testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do. Those are a people that have passed away; for them is what they earned, and for you shall be what you earn; and you shall not be questioned as to what they did. The foolish among the people will say: ‘What has turned them away from their Qiblah which they followed?’ Say: ‘To Allah belong the East and the West. He guides whom He pleases to the right path.’ – The Holy Quran 02: 137 –143 infohumanwel ssplus.com
Say you: ‘We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob and his children, and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to all other Prophets from their Lord. We make no difference between any of them; and to Him we submit ourselves.’ And if they believe as you have believed, then are they surely guided; but if they turn back, then they are only creating a schism, and Allah will surely suffice thee against them, for He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Say, ‘We will adopt the religion of Allah; and who is better than Allah in teaching religion, and Him alone do we worship.’ Say: ‘Do you dispute with us concerning Allah, while He is our Lord and your Lord? And for us are our works, and for you your works; and to Him alone we are sincerely devoted.’ Do you say that Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children were Jews or Christians? Say, ‘Do you know better or Allah?’ And who is more unjust than he who conceals the testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do. Those are a people that have passed away; for them is what they earned, and for you shall be what you earn; and you shall not be questioned as to what they did. The foolish among the people will say: ‘What has turned them away from their Qiblah which they followed?’ Say: ‘To Allah belong the East and the West. He guides whom He pleases to the right path.’ – The Holy Quran 02: 137 –143 infohumanwel ssplus.com
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