"Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem"
And of men there is he whose talk on this life would
please thee, and he would call Allah to witness as to that which is in his
heart, and yet he is the most contentious of quarrelers. And when he is in
authority, he runs about in the land to create disorder in it and destroy the
crops and the progeny of man;
and Allah loves not disorder. And when it is said
to him, ‘Fear Allah,’ pride incites him to further sin. So Hell shall be his sufficient
reward; and surely, it is an evil place of rest. And of men there is
he who would sell himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is
Compassionate to His servants. O you who believe!
come into submission wholly and follow not the footsteps of Satan; surely, he
is your open enemy. But if you slip after
the clear Signs that have come to you, then know that Allah is Mighty, Wise. Are they waiting for
anything but that Allah should come to them in the coverings of the clouds with
angels, and the matter be decided? And to Allah do all things return. Ask of the children
of Israel how many clear Signs We gave them. But whoso changes the gift of
Allah after it has come to him, surely, then, Allah is severe in punishing. The life of this
world is made to appear attractive to those who disbelieve;
and they scoff at those who believe. But those who fear God shall be above them on the Day of
Resurrection; and Allah bestows His
gifts on whomsoever He
pleases without reckoning. Mankind were one community, then they differed among themselves,
so Allah raised Prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and sent
down with them the Book containing the truth that He might judge between the
people wherein they differed. But
now they began to differ about the Book, and none differed about it except
those to whom it was given, after clear Signs had come to them, out of envy
towards one another. Now has Allah, by His command, guided the believers to the
truth in regard to which they (the unbelievers) differed; and Allah guides
whomsoever He pleases to the right path. – The
Holy Quran 02: 205–214 infohumanwel.com, infossplus.com
And of men there is he whose talk on this life would
please thee, and he would call Allah to witness as to that which is in his
heart, and yet he is the most contentious of quarrelers. And when he is in
authority, he runs about in the land to create disorder in it and destroy the
crops and the progeny of man;
and Allah loves not disorder. And when it is said
to him, ‘Fear Allah,’ pride incites him to further sin. So Hell shall be his sufficient
reward; and surely, it is an evil place of rest. And of men there is
he who would sell himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is
Compassionate to His servants. O you who believe!
come into submission wholly and follow not the footsteps of Satan; surely, he
is your open enemy. But if you slip after
the clear Signs that have come to you, then know that Allah is Mighty, Wise. Are they waiting for
anything but that Allah should come to them in the coverings of the clouds with
angels, and the matter be decided? And to Allah do all things return. Ask of the children
of Israel how many clear Signs We gave them. But whoso changes the gift of
Allah after it has come to him, surely, then, Allah is severe in punishing. The life of this
world is made to appear attractive to those who disbelieve;
and they scoff at those who believe. But those who fear God shall be above them on the Day of
Resurrection; and Allah bestows His
gifts on whomsoever He
pleases without reckoning. Mankind were one community, then they differed among themselves,
so Allah raised Prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and sent
down with them the Book containing the truth that He might judge between the
people wherein they differed. But
now they began to differ about the Book, and none differed about it except
those to whom it was given, after clear Signs had come to them, out of envy
towards one another. Now has Allah, by His command, guided the believers to the
truth in regard to which they (the unbelievers) differed; and Allah guides
whomsoever He pleases to the right path. – The
Holy Quran 02: 205–214 infohumanwel.com, infossplus.com
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