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Showing posts from May, 2015

Say O People of the Book..........

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah Say, ‘O People of the Book! you   stand   on nothing until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what has   now   been sent down to you from your Lord.’ And surely, what has been sent down to thee from thy Lord will increase many of them in rebellion and disbelief; so grieve not for the disbelieving people.  Surely, those who have believed, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians — whoso believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, on them   shall come   no fear, nor shall they grieve. Surely, We took a covenant from the children of Israel, and We sent Messengers to them. But every time there came to them a Messenger with what their hearts desired not, they treated some as liars, and some they sought to kill.   And they thought there would be no punishment, so they became blind and deaf. But Allah turned to them in mercy; yet again many of t...

And as for those who...........

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim :                                                                     Fishing - Beauty of Bangladesh In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.  All praise belongs to Allah, And   as for   those who disbelieve and reject Our Signs, they are the people of Hell. O you who believe! remember Allah’s favor upon you when a people intended to stretch out their hands against you, but He withheld their hands from you; and fear Allah. And on Allah should the believers rely. And indeed Allah did take a covenant from the children of Israel; and We raised among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, ‘Surely, I am with you. If you observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat, and believe in My Messengers and support them, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, I will remove your evil...

And as for those who............

Fishing - Beauty of Bangladesh In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, And   as for   those who disbelieve and reject Our Signs, they are the people of Hell. O you who believe! remember Allah’s favor upon you when a people intended to stretch out their hands against you, but He withheld their hands from you; and fear Allah. And on Allah should the believers rely. And indeed Allah did take a covenant from the children of Israel; and We raised among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, ‘Surely, I am with you. If you observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat, and believe in My Messengers and support them, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, I will remove your evils from you and admit you into Gardens beneath which streams flow. But whoso from among you disbelieves thereafter does indeed stray away from the right path.’ So, because of their breaking their covenant, We have cursed them, and have hardened their hearts. They pervert the words from ...

He knows whatever is in your ..................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you disclose; and Allah knows full well   all   that is in the breasts. Has not the news reached you of those who disbelieved before? So they tasted the evil consequences of their conduct, and they had a painful punishment. That was because their Messengers came to them with manifest Signs, but they said, ‘Shall mortals guide us?’ So they disbelieved and turned away, but Allah had never any need  of them ; and Allah is Self- Sufficient, Worthy of all praise. Those who disbelieve assert that they will not be raised up. Say, ‘Yea, by my Lord, you shall surely be raised up; then shall you surely be informed of what you did. And that is easy for Allah.’ Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light which We have sent down. And Allah is Well-Aware of all that you do. – The Holy-Quran 64, (5-...

He knows whatever is in ............

He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you disclose; and Allah knows full well   all   that is in the breasts. Has not the news reached you of those who disbelieved before? So they tasted the evil consequences of their conduct, and they had a painful punishment. That was because their Messengers came to them with manifest Signs, but they said, ‘Shall mortals guide us?’ So they disbelieved and turned away, but Allah had never any need of them ; and Allah is Self- Sufficient, Worthy of all praise. Those who disbelieve assert that they will not be raised up. Say, ‘Yea, by my Lord, you shall surely be raised up; then shall you surely be informed of what you did. And that is easy for Allah.’ Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light which We have sent down. And Allah is Well-Aware of all that you do. – The Holy-Quran 64, (5-9) Narrated By 'Abdullah(RA:) : Allah's Apostle said, "The ...

And those who believe........

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah. And those who believe will say, ‘Are these they who swore by Allah with their most solemn oaths that they were surely with you?’ Their works are vain and they have become the losers.  O you who believe! whoso among you turns back from his religion, then   let it be known that in his stead   Allah will soon bring a people whom He will love and who will love Him,   and who will be   kind and humble towards believers, hard and firm against disbelievers. They will strive in the cause of Allah and will not fear the reproach of a faultfinder. That is Allah’s grace; He bestows it upon whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is Bountiful, All- Knowing. Your friend is only Allah and His Messenger and the believers who observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and worship Allah alone. And those who take Allah and His Messenger and the believers for friends   should rest assured   that it is the p...

Allah is your Protector.........

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah Nay, Allah is your Protector, and He is the Best of helpers. We shall strike terror into the hearts of those that have disbelieved because they associate partners with Allah for which He has sent down no authority. Their abode is the Fire; and evil is the habitation of the wrongdoers.   And Allah had surely made good to you His promise when you were slaying and destroying them by His leave, until, when you became lax and disagreed among yourselves concerning the order and you disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved,   He withdrew His help . Among you were those who desired the present world, and among you were those who desired the next. Then He turned you away from them, that He might try you — and He has surely pardoned you, and Allah is Gracious to the believers. — When you were running away and looked not back at anyone while the Messenger was calling out to you from your rear, ...
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day will not ask leave of thee to be exempted from striving with their property and their persons. And Allah well knows the righteous. Only those will ask leave you to be exempted who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, and whose hearts are full of doubt, and in their doubt they waver. And if they had intended to go forth they would certainly have made some preparation for it; but Allah was averse to their marching forth. So He kept them back, and it was said: ‘Sit ye at home with those who sit.’ If they had gone forth with you, they would have added to you nothing but trouble, and would have hurried to and fro in your midst, seeking to create discord among you. And there are among you those who would listen to them. And Allah well knows the wrongdoers. They sought to create disorder even before this, and they devised plots against thee till the truth came and...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day will not ask leave of thee to be exempted from striving with their property and their persons. And Allah well knows the righteous. Only those will ask leave you to be exempted who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, and whose hearts are full of doubt, and in their doubt they waver. And if they had intended to go forth they would certainly have made some preparation for it; but Allah was averse to their marching forth. So He kept them back, and it was said: ‘Sit ye at home with those who sit.’ If they had gone forth with you, they would have added to you nothing but trouble, and would have hurried to and fro in your midst, seeking to create discord among you. And there are among you those who would listen to them. And Allah well knows the wrongdoers. They sought to create disorder even before this, and they devi...

And when they come to you.................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah And when they come to you, they say, ‘We believe,’ while they enter with unbelief and go out therewith; and Allah knows best what they conceal. And thou set many of them hastening towards sin and transgression and the eating of things forbidden. Evil indeed is that which they practice. Why do not the divines and those learned in the Law prohibit them from uttering falsehood and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed is that which they do. And the Jews say, ‘The hand of Allah is tied up.’ Their own hands shall be tied up and they shall be cursed for what they say. Nay, both His hands are wide open; He spends how He pleases. And what has been sent down to thee from thy Lord will most surely increase many of them in rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they kindle a fire for war, Allah extingui...

Your Friend is only .................

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah Your friend is only Allah and His Messenger and the believers who observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and worship Allah alone. And those who take Allah and His Messenger and the believers for friends should rest assured that it is the party of Allah that must triumph. O you who believe! Do not take those as friends who make a jest and sport of your religion from among those who were given the Book before you, and the disbelievers. And fear Allah if you are believers; And who, when you call people to Prayer, take it as jest and sport. That is because they are a people who do not understand. Say, ‘O People of the Book! do you find fault with us because we believe in Allah and what has been sent down to us and what was sent down previously? Or is it because most of you are disobedient to Allah?’ Say, ‘Shall I inform you of those whose reward with Allah is worse than that? They are those whom Allah has cursed and ...

O People of the Book ........................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah,  O People of the Book! there has come to you Our Messenger who unfolds to you much of what you had kept hidden of the Book and passes over much. There has come to you indeed from Allah a Light and a clear Book. Thereby does Allah guide those who seek His pleasure on the paths of peace, and leads them out of O People of the book.... O People of the Book .......... every kind of darkness into light by His will, and guides them to the right path. They have indeed disbelieved who say, ‘Surely, Allah is none but the Messiah, son of Mary.’ Say, ‘Who then has any power against Allah, if He desire to bring to naught the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother and all those that are in the earth?’ And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates what He pleases; and Allah has power to do all things. – Al-Quran 5: 16-18 ...

And we caused Jesus, Son of Merry to ......................

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, fulfilling that which was   revealed   before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel which contained guidance and light, fulfilling that which was   revealed   before it in the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition for the God-fearing. And let the People of the Gospel judge according to what Allah has revealed therein, and whoso judges not by what Allah has revealed, these it is who are the rebellious. And We have revealed unto thee the Book comprising the truth   and   fulfilling that which was   revealed   before it in the Book, and as a guardian over it. Judge, therefore, between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their evil inclinations,   turning away   from the truth which has come to thee. For each of you We prescribed a clear spiritual Law and a manifest way  ...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, fulfilling that which was   revealed   before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel which contained guidance and light, fulfilling that which was   revealed   before it in the Torah, and a guidance and an admonition for the God-fearing. And let the People of the Gospel judge according to what Allah has revealed therein, and whoso judges not by what Allah has revealed, these it is who are the rebellious. And We have revealed unto thee the Book comprising the truth   and   fulfilling that which was   revealed   before it in the Book, and as a guardian over it. Judge, therefore, between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their evil inclinations,   turning away   from the truth which has come to thee. For each of you We pre...

Surely, if those who disbelieve ............

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah Surely, if those who disbelieve had all that is in the earth and as much over again, to ransom themselves therewith from the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them; and they shall have a painful punishment. They will wish to come out of the Fire, but they will not be able to come out of it, and they shall have a lasting punishment.  And as for the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands in retribution of their offence as an exemplary punishment from Allah. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. But whoso repents after his transgression and amends, then will Allah surely turn to him in mercy; verily, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful. Dost thou not know that Allah is He to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whom He pleases and forgives whom He pleases; and Allah has power to do all things. O Messenger! let not those grieve the...