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Showing posts from March, 2015

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : Allah, Lord of all the worlds . In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds . Truly, Allah has conferred a favor on the believers by raising among them a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His Signs, and purifies them and teaches them the Book and Wisdom; and, before that, they were surely in manifest error. What! when a misfortune befalls you — and you had inflicted the double of that — you say, whence is this? Say, ‘It is from your own selves.’ Surely, Allah has power over all things. And that which befell you, on the day when the two parties met, was by Allah’s command; and   this was so   that He might distinguish the believers;   And that He might distinguish the hypocrites. And it was said to them, ‘Come ye, fight in the cause of Allah and repel   the attack of the enemy ;’ they said, ‘If we knew how to fight, we would surel...

Those of you who turned ..................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Those of you who turned their backs on the day when the two hosts met, surely it was Satan who sought to make them slip because of certain doings of theirs. But certainly Allah has already pardoned them. Verily, Allah is Most Forgiving, Forbearing. O you who believe! be not like those who have disbelieved, and who say of their brethren when they travel in the land or go forth to war: ‘Had they been with us, they would not have died or been slain.’ This is so, that Allah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. And Allah gives life and causes death and Allah is Mindful of what you do. And if you are slain in the cause of Allah or you die, surely forgiveness from Allah and mercy shall be better than what they hoard. And if you die or be slain, surely unto Allah shall you be gathered together. And it is by the great mercy of Allah that thou art kind towards them, and if thou hadn’t been rough ...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Nay, Allah is your Protector, and He is the Best of helpers. We shall strike terror into the hearts of those that have disbelieved because they associate partners with Allah for which He has sent down no authority. Their abode is the Fire; and evil is the habitation of the wrongdoers.  And Allah had surely made good to you His promise when you were slaying and destroying them by His leave, until, when you became lax and disagreed among yourselves concerning the order and you disobeyed after He had shown you that which you loved, He withdrew His help. Among you were those who desired the present world, and among you were those who desired the next. Then He turned you away from them, that He might try you — and He has surely pardoned you, and Allah is Gracious to the believers. — When you were running away and looked not back at anyone while the Messenger was calling out to you from your rear, then ...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Do you suppose that you will enter Heaven while Allah has not yet distinguished those of you that strive in the way of Allah and has not yet distinguished the steadfast? And Muhammad is only a Messenger. Verily, all Messengers have passed away before him. If then he die or be slain, will you turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels shall not harm Allah at all. And Allah will certainly reward the grateful. And no soul can die except by Allah’s leave — a decree with a fixed term. And whoever desires the reward of the present world, We will give him thereof; and whoever desires the reward of the life to come, We will give him thereof; and We will surely reward the grateful. And many a Prophet there has been beside whom fought numerous companies of their followers. They slackened not for aught that befell them in the way of Allah, nor did they weaken, nor did they humiliate themselv...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. O you who believe! devour not interest involving diverse additions; and fear Allah that you may prosper. And fear the Fire prepared for the disbelievers.  And obey Allah and the Messenger that you be shown mercy. And vie with one another in asking for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise whose price is the heavens and the earth, prepared for the fearing of Allah—Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon men; and Allah loves those who do good;  And those who, when they commit a foul deed or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins — and who can forgive sins except Allah? — and do not persist knowingly in what they have done. It is these whose reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide; and how good is the reward of those who work! Surely, t...

When two of your .................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. When two of your groups meditated cowardice, although Allah was their friend. And upon Allah should the believers rely.  And Allah had already helped you at Badr when you were weak. So take Allah for your Protector that you may be grateful. When thou didst say to the believers, ‘Will it not suffice you that your Lord should help you with three thousand angels sent down from on high?’  Yea, if you be steadfast and righteous and they come upon you immediately in hot haste, your Lord will help you with five thousand angels, attacking vehemently.  And Allah has made it only as glad tidings for you and that your hearts might be at rest thereby; and help comes from Allah alone, the Mighty, the Wise.  God will do so that He might cut off a part of the disbelievers or abase them so that they might go back frustrated.  Thou hast no concern in the matter: He may turn to them ...

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. And whatever good they do, they shall not be denied its due reward; and Allah well knows the God-fearing.  As for those who disbelieve, their possessions and their children shall not avail them aught against Allah; and these are the inmates of the Fire; therein shall they abide. The likeness of what they spend for the present life is as the likeness of a wind wherein there is intense cold which smites the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves, and destroys it. And Allah has not wronged them, but they wrong themselves. O ye who believe! take not others than your own people as intimate friends; they will not fail to corrupt you. They love to see you in trouble. Hatred has already shown itself through the utterances of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still. We have made clear to you Our commandments, if you will understand. Behold, you are those who love ...

O you who believe ------------------

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. O you who believe! if you obey any party of those who have been given the Book, they will turn you again into disbelievers after you have believed.  How would you disbelieve, while to you are rehearsed the Signs of Allah, and His Messenger is present among you? And he who holds fast to Allah is indeed guided to the right path.  O you who believe! fear Allah as He should be feared; and let not death overtake you except when you are in a state of submission. And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah and be not divided; and remember the favor of Allah which He bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became as brothers; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah explain to you His commandments that you may be guided. And let there be among you a body of men who should invite t...

Now whoso forges .......

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Now whoso forges a lie against Allah after this, then it is these that are the wrongdoers. Say, ‘Allah has spoken the truth: follow, therefore, the religion of Abraham, who was ever inclined to God; and he was not of those who associate gods with God.’ Surely, the first House founded for mankind is that at Becca, abounding in blessings and a guidance for all peoples. In it are manifest Signs; it is the place of Abraham; and whoso enters it, enters peace. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty which men — those who can find a way thither — owe to Allah. And whoever disbelieves, let him remember that Allah is surely independent of all creatures. Say, ‘O People of the Book! why deny ye the Signs of Allah, while Allah is Watchful of what you do?’ Say, ‘O People of the Book! why hinder ye the believers from the path of Allah, seeking to make it crooked, while you are witnesses thereof ? And Alla...

Now whoso turns way after..............

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Now whoso turns away after this, then, surely, those are the transgressors.  Do they seek a religion other than Allah’s, while to Him submits whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned?  Say, ‘We believe in Allah and in that which has been revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit.’  And whoso seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the life to come he shall be among the losers.  How shall Allah guide a people who have disbelieved after believing and who had borne witness that the Messenger was true and to whom clear proofs had come? And Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. Of such the re...

He choose for his mercy.................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim:  "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" ‘He chooses for His mercy whomsoever He pleases. And Allah is Lord of exceeding bounty.’ Among the People of the Book there is he who, if thou trust him with a treasure, will return it to thee; and among them there is he who, if thou trust him with a dinar, will not return it to thee, unless thou keep standing over him. That is because they say, ‘We are not liable to blame in the matter of the unlearned;’ and they utter a lie against Allah knowingly. Nay, but whoso fulfils his pledge and fears Allah — verily, Allah loves the God-fearing As for those who take a paltry price in exchange for their covenant with Allah and their oaths, they shall have no portion in the life to come, and Allah will neither speak to them nor look upon them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; and for them shall be a grievous punishment And, surely, among them is a section who twist their tongues while rec...

Behold! you are those who....................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Behold! you are those who disputed about that whereof you had knowledge. Why then do you now dispute about that whereof you have no knowledge at all? Allah knows, and you know not.  Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was ever inclined to God and obedient to Him, and he was not of those who associate gods with Allah. Surely, the nearest of men to Abraham are those who followed him, and this Prophet and those who believe; and Allah is the friend of believers. A section of the People of the Book would fain lead you astray; but they lead astray none except themselves, only they perceive not. O People of the Book! why do you deny the Signs of Allah, while you are witnesses thereof ?  O People of the Book! why do you confound truth with falsehood and hide the truth knowingly? And a section of the People of the Book say, ‘Believe in that which has been revealed unto the believers, in the...

nd as for those who believe.......

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem ‘And as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their full rewards. And Allah do not loves the wrongdoers.’ That is what We recite unto you of the Signs and the wise Reminder. Surely,  the case of ‘Esha’(Jesus) with Allah is like the case of Adam. He created him out of dust, then He said to him,  ‘Be!,’ and he was. This is the truth from thy Lord, so be thou not of those who doubt. Now whoso disputes  with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of knowledge, say to him,  ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our  people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on  those who lie.’ This certainly is the true account. There is none worthy of worship save  Allah; and surely, it is Allah Who is the Mighty, the Wise. But if they turn away, then  remember that Al...

She said, My Lord, how....................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : She said, ‘My Lord, how shall I have a son, when no man has touched me?’ He said, “Such is   the way of   Allah, He creates what He pleases. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, ‘Be!’ and it is. “And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; “And   will make him   a Messenger to the children of Israel (to say): ‘I come to you with a Sign from your Lord,   which is , that I will fashion out for you   a creation   out of clay after the manner of a bird, then I will breathe into it   a new spirit   and it will become a soaring being by the command of Allah; and I will heal the night-blind and the leprous, and I will quicken the dead, by the command of Allah; and I will announce to you what you will eat and what you will store up in your houses. Surely, therein is a Sign for you, if you be believers. ‘And   I come   fulfilling that which is ...

She said, 'My Lord, how ....................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" She said, ‘My Lord, how shall I have a son, when no man has touched me?’ He said, “Such is the way of Allah, He creates what He pleases. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, ‘Be!’ and it is. “And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; “And will make him a Messenger to the children of Israel (to say): ‘I come to you with a Sign from your Lord, which is, that I will fashion out for you a creation out of clay after the manner of a bird, then I will breathe into it a new spirit and it will become a soaring being by the command of Allah; and I will heal the night-blind and the leprous, and I will quicken the dead, by the command of Allah; and I will announce to you what you will eat and what you will store up in your houses. Surely, therein is a Sign for you, if you be believers. ‘And I come fulfilling that which is before me, namely, the Torah; and to allow you...

There and then..................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" There and then did Zachariah pray to his Lord, saying, ‘My Lord, grant me from Thyself pure offspring; surely, Thou art the Hearer of prayer.’ And the angels called to him as he stood praying in the chamber: ‘Allah gives thee glad tidings of Yahya, who shall testify to the truth of a word from Allah — noble and chaste and a Prophet, from among the righteous.’  He said, ‘My Lord, how shall I have a son, when age has overtaken me, and my wife is barren?’ He answered, ‘Such is the way of Allah: He does what He pleases.’ He said, ‘My Lord, appoint a token for me.’ He replied, ‘Thy token shall be that thou shall not speak to men for three days except by signs. And remember thy Lord much and glorify Him in the evening and in the early morning.’  And remember when the angels said, ‘O Marium, Allah has chosen thee and purified thee and chosen thee above the women of all peoples. ‘O Marium, be obedient to ...

eware of the Dya..................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Beware of the Day when every soul shall find itself confronted with all the good it has done and all the evil it has done. It will wish there were a great distance between it and that evil. And Allah cautions you against His punishment. And Allah is Most Compassionate to His servants. Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you and forgive you your faults. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’ Say, ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger;’ but if they turn away, then remember that Allah loves not the disbelievers. Allah did choose ‘Adam’ and ‘Nuh’ and the family of Ibrahim and the family of ‘Imran above all peoples — A race, co-related with one another. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Remember when the woman of ‘Imran said, ‘My Lord, I have vowed to Thee what is in my womb to be dedicated to Thy service. So do accept it of me; verily, Thou alone art All-Hearing, All-Knowing.’ But...

Do you do not know ......

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Dose you do not know of those who have been given their portion of the Book? They are called to the Book of Allah that it may judge between them, but a party of them turn away in aversion. That is because they say, ‘The Fire shall not touch us, except for a limited number of days.’ And what they used to forge has deceived them regarding their religion.  How will they fare when We will gather them together on the Day about which there is no doubt; and when every soul shall be paid in full what it has earned, and they shall not be wronged?  Say, ‘O Allah, Lord of sovereignty, You gives sovereignty to whomsoever You please; and Thou take away sovereignty from whomsoever You please. You exalts whomsoever You please and Thou abases whomsoever Thou please. In Thy hand is all good. Thou surely hast power to do all things. ‘Thou make the night pass into the day and make the day pass into...

The firm and the truthful................

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" The firm and the truthful, and the humble, and those who spend in the way of Allah, and those who seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night. Allah bears witness that there is no Worship but He — and also do the angels and those possessed of knowledge — Maintainer of justice; there is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise. Surely, the true religion with Allah is Islam (complete submission). And those who were given the Book did not disagree but after knowledge had come to them, out of mutual envy. And whoso denies the Signs of Allah, then surely, Allah is quick at reckoning. Surely, the true religion with Allah is Islam (complete submission). And those who were given the Book did not disagree but after knowledge had come to them, out of mutual envy. And whoso denies the Signs of Allah, then surely, Allah is quick at reckoning. But if they dispute with you, say, ‘I have submitted myself to Alla...

The case is like the case of ...............

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim : "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem" Their case is like the case of the people of Pharaoh and those before them; they rejected Our Signs; so Allah punished them for their sins, and Allah is severe in punishing. Say to those who disbelieve, ‘You shall be overcome and gathered unto Hell; and an evil place of rest it is.’ Certainly there was for you a Sign in the two armies that encountered each other, one army fighting in the cause of Allah and the other disbelieving, whom they saw to be twice as many as themselves, actually with their eyes. Thus Allah strengthens with His aid whomsoever He pleases. In that surely is a lesson for those who have eyes. Beautified for men is the love of desired things — women and children, and stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and pastured horses and cattle and crops. That is the provision of the present life; but it is Allah with Whom is an excellent home. Say, ‘Shall I inform you of something better...

Allah is He beside Whom there...........

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim :  In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.  Alif Lam Mim.  Allah is He beside Whom there is no Lord, the Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. He has sent down to you the Book containing the truth and fulfilling that which precedes it; and He sent down the Tourath and the ‘Enzeel’(Gospel). Before this, as a guidance to the people; and He has sent down the Discrimination. Surely, those who deny the Signs of Allah shall have a severe punishment. And Allah is Mighty, Possessor of the power to requite. Surely, nothing in the earth or in the heaven is hidden from Allah. He it is Who fashions you in the wombs as He wills; there is no Lord but He, the Mighty, the Wise. He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book; in it there are verses that are decisive in meaning — they are the basis of the Book — and there are others that are susceptible of different interpretations. But those in whose hearts is perversit...

To Allah belongs whatever ..........

M. S. Sikder: M. S. Sikder: Duty of a Muslim :  "Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem"] To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and whether you disclose what is in your minds or keep it hidden, Allah will call you to account for it; then will He forgive whomsoever He pleases and punish whomsoever He pleases; and Allah has the power to do all that He wills. This Messenger of Ours believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers: all of them believe in Allah, and in His angels, and in His Books, and in His Messengers, saying, ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers;’ and they say, ‘We hear, and we obey. We implore Thy forgiveness, O our Lord, and to Thee is the returning.’ Allah burdens not any soul beyond its capacity. It shall have the reward it earns, and it shall get the punishment it incurs. Our Lord, do not punish us, if we forget or fall into error; and our Lord, lay not on us a responsibilit...